Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 8 (Happy Thanksgiving ;)

So, it’s day 8 in Africa, and I’m loving it. It just started to sink in last night that I am actually here. I was thinking about my calling and how long I’ve wanted to do this, and I realized that I’m living out my dream. It’s the craziest feeling to know that you’re right in the center of God’s will. It may not always be easy getting there and you may have a lot of doubts along the way as to if you are doing the right thing. I just know that when I start getting a lot of déjà vu moments from dreams I’ve had, I know I’m where I’m supposed to be.

I went to the slums yesterday and was struck by the intense poverty. Their houses reminded me of little forts I used to make as a kid. I always thought it would be so much fun to live in one of my forts… The difference though, is that I could always come back inside my nice, warm, furnished house when I was tired of living in my little fort… These people have no where else to escape to. They have mud floors, no insulation, most don’t have running water, and the houses are all claustrophobically close together. You could see the pure hopelessness on people’s faces. It makes me realize that, for the ones that are saved, God is really all that they have. I know I can't help every one of them.. I barely have enough money to get through school right now haha, but such as I have, I can give to them. That verse is really making sense to me now (Acts 3:6). I can't give them money, but I can give them hope.  

God is so good. I'm glad to be here, and I'm thankful for all of you who have been praying for me :) Everything has worked out beyond my expectations.

Stay blessed!

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