Friday, September 23, 2011

My calling

       This is my first time blogging since I was pretty young, so forgive me if it doesn't meet general blogging rules and expectations :P

       I created this blog to keep people updated on the crazy things God is doing in my life, especially regarding the trips that I will be going on in the next little while. The first one I will be writing about is: 

My Call to Africa. 

I will be leaving in a little less than 2 months (just got the OK that I would be going about a month ago). Already, God has been doing amazing things. Let me first share with you my calling.. 

       When I was about 8 years old I was lying in my bed, during family camp, and I suddenly got this picture in my head. Some people may call it a vision, but all I know is that I knew it was God as soon as I saw it. I still remember it to this day. It was a picture of a stage and 2 human sized puppets (you know, the ones you see at Chuck-E-Cheese ;) dancing and praising in front of a bunch of kids. 
        As soon as I saw that, I jumped out of bed and ran to the front of the bus (yes I lived in a bus when I was younger.. another story for another time ;). I blurted out my vision/picture to my mom and told her I felt that God wanted me to be in Children's ministry when I got older. 

    Like I said before, I grew up in a bus. My family travels around doing ministry in churches across the States and Canada. Any time someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would say, "I'm going to be a children's minister." Though that desire was always on y heart, I never really had the opportunity to really pour into kids lives because I was moving around all the time. 2 Years ago I started going to FIRE School of Ministry in North Carolina and got involved in the children's ministry there. It started out as a requirement, but then after the required time was up, I kept going just because I loved it so much. Now, I've been working with kids for about 2 years, and it is the most fulfilling thing I've ever done. God has given me the opportunity to work with another children's ministry now, and I am currently interning under a children's pastor at a large church in NC.

I know this is kind of long already but I have to tell you the second part. 

When I was really young, I used to listen to this kid's tape series called "The Wimblies"... all the time. I had the tapes practically memorized. They were put out by Garry and Brenda Kean. I don't remember if it was actually on one of the "Wimbly" tapes or another tape by them, but there was this one song called "Bless the Children of Africa" that I would listen to all the time. Even after we couldn't find those tapes anymore, that song would always be stuck in my head. A lot of times when I would try to think of a song or just identify which song was in my head at the time (there is always a song playing in my head and sometimes I don't even notice which one it is), it would be, "Bless the Children of Africa." 

It didn't strike me that God was actually trying to tell me something until a few years later. God had been showing me, over the course of a few years, that He wanted me to go to Africa one day. He told me this a few different times. Then one day, while that song was playing in my head again, I made the connection that I was going to do children's ministry in Africa. 

Yay! Katelynn's brain takes a little while to catch up sometimes... ;P 

      Anyway, all this to say, this has been on my heart for years, and I finally have an opportunity to go. I will explain more in the next blog about how this opportunity came about, but for now, just know that God has shown me so much favor. I can't do anything without Him, and I am so excited for all the new opportunities He has placed in my life. 

       Let this be an encouragement to you. If you have a calling, a burning on your heart, God will not waste that desire. He's placed it in there for a reason and if you go after it, He will open the right doors. 

This has been Katelynn, 
blogging for the first time in years. 

Thanks for paying attention :D 
Be blessed!


  1. I'm so happy for you sis! It's so awesome that God has shown you what he wants you to do and you're going for it!
